Free parking located in campus lot. Food and beverages available throughout the day. Lunch generously provided by TransCanWork.
Event Schedule
8:30 am - Check-In & Refreshments
9am - Opening Remarks
9:15 am - TGI Service-Provider Panel
Panelists include:
Jazzmun / Lanelle Laws / Maria Roman / Mariana Marroquin / Queen Shannon
Moderated by Chanel Blac Lumiere
10:20 am - Open Dialogue: TGI & Law Enforcement Panelists
Panelists include:
Chief Don Mueller / Senior Lead Officer Cindy Wada / TBA
11:15 am - Lunch
Generously provided by TransCanWork
12:00 pm - 'A Hateful Homicide' Presentation
Presented by Mallery Jenna Robinson
12:30 pm - Facilitated Roundtable Discussions
Participate in engaging group dialogues to process the panels, share experiences, and develop concrete action steps together.
2:15 pm - Closing Remarks & Wrap-Up