BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20240803T194412 DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240823T230000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240824T020000Z LOCATION:415 S Salisbury St SUMMARY:Live Music: Weeping Willow with Debbie The Artist DESCRIPTION:Weeping Willow is a Durham NC based band with an indie rock sound! We love playing together sharing love, and creating an environment that is healing and uplifting. We write with honesty about our human experience hoping to let others know that it’s okay to come as you are. We hope to bring art to life that people resonate with and maybe make them feel a little less alone. \nDebbie The Artist (they/themme) is a non-binary black-queer-feminist musician who embodies the power of creative expression as a vehicle for social change. Unapologetic in the pursuit of social justice and racial equity, Debbie pictures a revolutionary society where folks can exercise their fundamental human rights free from fear. This abolitionist politic shows up in all that they do. When they say, “Art is who and what I am”, what they mean is art is their tool, their medicine, their voice and vision. The songbird hails from Durham, North Carolina where they shake, make, bake, and create. Debbie writes music rooted primarily in the lived experiences of love, loss, magic, and triumph. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR